Weekly Schedule
Small Groups: 1st and 2nd Wednesday
On the first two Wednesdays each month, junior and senior high students are divided into small groups after worship. Senior highers are transported to Pastor Eric & Holly’s home a few blocks away, while the junior highers remain at the City Life Center for games and discussion. Small groups are facilitated by IMPACT leaders.
Game Night: 3rd Wednesday
The third Wednesday is Game Night where all students and leaders can hang-out and build relationship. Leaders want to know students and live life with them. What better way than to have fun together! Board games, video games, group games, and more will be available.
IMPACT Large Group: 4th Wednesday
IMPACT Large Group is a dynamic experience. At 6:30pm, IMPACT Leaders facilitate a group game that is fun and memorable. Around 7:00pm, students walk to the sanctuary of HOP for live worship and an engaging message from Pastor Eric.