For the past 10 years Benaiah has served as Lead Pastor and Miranda as Worship Pastor at HOP. They are passionate about providing a place where people experience the glory of God and where the power of His Word transforms lives! Their desire to see the Kingdom of God be established has caused the House to take a community-focused role that is central to the people of Montpelier and Williams County. Benaiah and Miranda have been married since 2008 and have four awesome kids: Samantha, Clay, Benaiah, and Justice. They live in Montpelier and as a family they enjoy camping adventures and just being together!
Benaiah & Miranda Harris
Lead Pastor & Worship Leader
Ranae & Doug Heeres
Care Coordination Pastor
Pastor Ranae uses her gifting as a joyful encourager with the ability to flow in the Spirit to oversee the nurture of the church family. She leads the Stephen Ministry and offers pastoral counseling with an emphasis on bringing broken people to wholeness, speaking to their identity in Christ and equipping them to fulfill their God-ordained calling. Ranae & her husband Doug have been married over 40 years. They are blessed with 3 adult children and 10 grandchildren. Doug, Ranae, and their daughter Whitney enjoy serving together on the Worship Team.
Terra came to HOP at 15 years of age and never left! She met her husband David at youth group and they married in 2008. They live in Montpelier with their two dogs and two cats. Terra serves as coordinator of the Hands Helping Hands Ministry, giving oversight to several of their programs including Transitional Housing. Her favorite sayings are, "It takes a village,” and, “You never know what's on the other side of your YES!” David has been playing bass on the worship team almost every Sunday since he was a teenager.
Terra & David Peggs
Hands Helping Hands Coordinator
Alicia & Abram Johnston
Administrative Assistant
Alica and her husband, Abram, moved to Montpelier in 2020 and became youth leaders with Impact, HOP’s youth ministry. Alicia and Abram have two precious sons, Abraham and Barnabas. Their family loves to take walks, play board games and explore new things. Alicia joined the staff of HOP as the Administrative Assistant in 2021. Her love of family and desire to be fully present, intentional, and authentic has made her a fantastic addition. Alicia loves to create spaces where others can feel a sense of belonging, safety, peace, and rest. Alicia became the Family Ministry Director in 2022.
Michael & Martha Wortkoetter
Family Ministry Director
Michael came on staff at House of Prayer in August of 2022 as Youth Director. He has a passion for drawing others to Jesus and desires to see our youth develop a personal relationship with Him. Michael hopes to set a generation on fire for God with a boldness to proclaim His name in the earth unashamedly! Michael and his wife Martha have 5 kids and enjoy spending time with family, going to the lake, and attending the kids' sporting events.